Fiction Fragment: Phonecalls and Weekends

She is fantastic at coming up with excuses. It’s how she survived. So over the years she let all her friends know that she hated being disturbed over the weekend. That she switched off her phone because it helped her unwind.

Utter rot.

It all started when she turned 14. Before the days of caller-ID and other fancy devices, the phone was rooted to its wire. Anchored in the living room. Conversations were never meant to be private. It wasn’t till years later that she even discovered that the phone instrument had a volume control on the ringer. The phone would ring loud and clear. Crisply through the weekend afternoon.

Since then, she associated phone rings with an increased heart rate. Her mother never liked her talking to boys. It was almost as though her mother though the boy would yank her daughter’s hymen through a telephone line. So when they called, and when she was lucky enough to pick the phone up, they were referred to with various girl’s names.

And then she started living with a man. Who was kind, and wonderful. Who had the perfect sense of humour. But who, like his mother, didn’t like members of the opposite sex calling her without a reason. A reason was anything to do with one’s career or one’s laundry. While he knew that hymens were in no danger over phone lines, and that she definitely didn’t have one anymore, phone calls from friends became hard to handle.

So she began to switch her phone off over the weekends. Or put it on silent. Anything to keep it from ringing and shattering the fragile peace of the relationship. She told her friends that she didn’t like being disturbed over the weekends. Her friends didn’t call her on Saturday and Sunday. And some friends were so busy, that if they didn’t call her on these days, they never called her at all. She lost them. Some of her friends.

One day, she finally moved out. Her friends could call her over the weekends, she thought. Which was nice. However, having established over the years that she was the kinds who hated phonecalls over the weekends, nobody really called her.

Except the laundry shop manager. He was allowed.

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19 Responses to Fiction Fragment: Phonecalls and Weekends

  1. wordjunkie says:

    Until one weekend, she picked up the phone and started calling her friends herself. (Sorry to butt in on the story, but I’m a sucker for happy endings)


  2. maxdavinci says:

    the boy would yank her daughterโ€™s hymen through a telephone line

    brillaint !

    yes, this comment will self destruct in 15 secs….


  3. Fifth In Line says:

    Thank you for not making the guy sound like a bastard. I was that guy once. I put it down to the cultural differences between our families and our upbringing. But I used to get so jealous when her male friends called.
    I wish I could change that. Too late though. We’ve already split. Not because of this, but I wonder if this was one of the reasons. I wish you had written this story six months back.


  4. buddy says:

    very dark story…
    the weather?


  5. rads says:

    Too close.


  6. Madras Chick says:

    I see a happy ending.. well sort of.
    Or.. is it just me?


  7. rishab says:

    +1 for wordjunkie. i’m all for happy endings. and proactivity. grab life by the throat and give it a good shake. can someone tell me where that expression originates? google doesn’t know.


  8. dipali says:

    You said a whole lot in this little fragment!


  9. Nilu says:

    What makes a great story in a conversation does not often lend itself to fiction writing. Exhibit A.

    Or, maybe, the fragment things are passe.


  10. Shefaly says:

    There is no rhyme or reason, no right season when one deals with another person’s insecurity – whether it is a parent who does not have confidence in his/ her parenting, or a SO who does not have confidence that he/ she will retain one’s love and who does not remember that despite other choices, the person chose him/ her.

    Sad but too common.


  11. ilegirl says:

    Great style – so well expressed! I especially like the ambiguities and irony of the ending.


  12. Debashis says:

    Interesting read as usual. But I wish it had a beautiful ending. Anyways! Life gives you in accordance to your needs not your greed;)



  13. anu says:

    This is my story….and yes then no one calls..


  14. You’re all suckers for happy endings. But who says this story ends here? ๐Ÿ™‚


  15. rgc says:

    Love your blog! Esp. this piece !! Weekend will go in devouring the archives! ๐Ÿ™‚


  16. neela says:

    I just wandered into your blog.
    Very well written.


  17. P. says:

    Just chanced up your blog. I like! ๐Ÿ™‚


  18. Nikita says:

    Brilliant writing. Blogrolled you ๐Ÿ™‚


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