
Having depressed the shit out of myself after reading up on girls wanting breast implants at the age of 9 and other things, I thought I’d cheer myself up a bit.

So I write about Up. What a fantastic, fabulous and brilliant film. Loved it to bits. Up there on my list with Wall-E and Finding Nemo.

A grown man next to me was sobbing his eyeballs out in the first ten minutes of the film. There were barely four kids in the theatre. It was filled with adults who deeply regretted not having bought some extra tissues to wipe their tears and snot. I know I did.

I think the 3D aspect of this film is negligible. The film is so fantastic that the 3D aspect is overwhelmed by the wonderful storyline. The film handles everything – from miscarriage, to adventure to grief with such subtlety, that every minute is precious.

And that’s one of my favourite awww bits. “I was hiding under your porch, because I love you. Can I stay?”.

Go watch the film. Seriously.

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8 Responses to Up!

  1. Debasish says:

    My favorite bit was…

    “I have just met you and I love you”


  2. Banno says:

    Must watch this. I usually don’t like animation films, but if it’s a great story, then YEAH!


  3. Kaalicharan says:

    indeed a wonderful movie! The opening sequence itself carries so strong a n idea that reverberates through the soul without words,just a faint melody playing in the backdrop and a life time passing by! I guess that’s how many of us have lived our lives…a spark of pursuit and then all our lives have been just a show.


  4. Fire eater says:

    Finally someone who says “Finding Nemo” & “Wall-E”. All I hear normally is “Cars”!
    But I guess I was too jaded by the time “Up” happened.


  5. sirpy says:

    Up was really really good.. Finding Nemo being my all-time favorite animated movie, I tend to compare all of them by that.. Along those lines, the fun and cogent comedy that was there in FN was kinda missing, I felt..


  6. Loved the little scene… must watch Up now 🙂


  7. nsk says:

    live and adventurous and bright and light and awesome serene storytelling


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