
Sometimes you read stuff that should be screenshot-ted and preserved for posterity. This is the case of the really boring and bordering on self-pity blog called Sir John Bull. Now you would expect someone who is a member of the BNP to be a complete moron. But this chap takes it way ahead. So this is what he had to say about rape.

Rape is simply sex (I am talking about ‘husband-rape’ here)… Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal…To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting force-feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence.

On an average, comments like this put me off for a couple of hours at the very least. But then I decided to jump through the cache of the blog and I spotted this gem.

Yes indeed kind readers, we now officially know that “white, middle class, male drivers” are the most oppressed social group evah! Now that the BNP has sacked him, maybe he’ll turn to stand up comedy. For more on the xenophobic, insecure nonsense that the BNP peddles, do read Ian Cobain’s articles in The Guardian on his experience as an undercover journalist working his way through the BNP.

There, that’s ruined chocolate cake for me – forever. Ugh!

This entry was posted in Politics, UK, wtf. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Ugh!

  1. vidya says:

    Speechless. And an apt last name.


  2. Indisch says:

    Ryt! Sum logic that is! This bull needs to be castrated.


  3. Uma says:

    LOL the guy seems to have shut shop now.

    More posts on UK please


  4. vidya: Oh yes. I think John Bull is some sort of personification of the Britishness. Like Uncle Sam or something.

    Indisch: I wonder why we associate castration with anything?

    Uma: Ess madam – we will try..


  5. Minkowsky.. says:

    Ever since the blogland has come into existence, the following question has been long debated over.. “whether the content posted on a blog should be regulated or not..” And also having anonymousness (with the identities..) makes it even more easier for few to post whatever they likes.. Its a pity though that many don’t feel responsible enough for what ‘they’ post on their blogs, especially while posting undesirable content!! I have never been able to understand why do people do it.. may be publicity (or attention) on the blogosphere, may be..

    I have been a regular reader of your blog and I do like the way you write on different topics. 🙂



  6. Minkowsky.. says:

    Ever since the blogland has come into existence, the following question has been long debated over.. “whether the content posted on a blog should be regulated or not..” And also having anonymousness (with the identities..) makes it even more easier for few to post whatever they like.. Its a pity though that many don’t feel responsible enough for what ‘they’ post on their blogs, especially while posting undesirable content!! I have never been able to understand why do people do it.. may be publicity (or attention) on the blogosphere, may be..

    I have been a regular reader of your blog and I do like the way you write on different topics. 🙂



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